October 2019
The life insurance industry is always changing, and sometimes rather quickly. We created Long Road as a way to help advisors efficiently adapt to those changes by providing resources and services that may not be part of their core competency, but complimentary to their business. In light of this, we are pleased to introduce Life In the Fast Lane, to provide timely updates on the continuous changes taking place within the life industry and the resources available from Long Road to help advisors stay in the fast lane, ahead of those changes.
Craig Welch, CFP®, CLU
President & CEO
What’s New
*Rate increases apply to NEW policies ONLY. This does not impact current, in-force coverage.
Tools & Resources
- No exams, no medical records and no insurance company interviews
- Best for clients:
- Under age 65
- Average or better health
- Basic Individual protection needs
- Usually best for term coverage
*Insurance companies reserve the right to request full medical underwriting. Contact us for more information.
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